A year that would catapult me to great heights..
I am in the process of making a roadmap [both personal and professional] for the coming year.
Reading books (I am targeting 6-8 books this year) is a major item in the list.
The topics I am lookin at are
1] Innovation
2] *[Data Mining/Knowledge discovery/Collobarative filtering] **NLP& Aboutness
I feel that * and ** would be a good combination so that the text information can be represented in a structure understandable by the * algorithms
text --NLP*--> [ structured and representation] --User Data, CF,DM algos**----> good recommendations
3] Program Design : Algorithms , Design Patterns
4] Entrepreneurship [web based]
Here are some of the books that I came across in our library:
I am looking at amazon.com for the book reviews. I would writing my notes after each book.
Hope I come up with the final list by saturday..
Innovation on Demand: new product development using TRIZ Fey, Victor.
Rivin, Eugene I. [I feel that this book would be better. as it is written by mech engg profs maybe I can relate to the concepts better]
658.57522 FEY P05
40 Principles : triz keys to technical innovation Altshuller, Genrich [This is book by the formulator of TRIZ]
Notes: TRIZ looks like a good concept.
>> TRIZ (some russian word):
TRIZ also evolved by transferring strong principles from one field to another.
TRIZ is also used in DFSS (for solving new problems using 6 sigma methodology)

This image compares TRIZ with other problem solving techniques
Biomimicry : innovation inspired by nature Benyus, Janine M.
600 BEN N97 [Looks like some stuff that they show in natgeo/discovery]
Rivin, Eugene I. [I feel that this book would be better. as it is written by mech engg profs maybe I can relate to the concepts better]
658.57522 FEY P05
40 Principles : triz keys to technical innovation Altshuller, Genrich [This is book by the formulator of TRIZ]
Notes: TRIZ looks like a good concept.
>> TRIZ (some russian word):
TRIZ also evolved by transferring strong principles from one field to another.
TRIZ is also used in DFSS (for solving new problems using 6 sigma methodology)

This image compares TRIZ with other problem solving techniques
Biomimicry : innovation inspired by nature Benyus, Janine M.
600 BEN N97 [Looks like some stuff that they show in natgeo/discovery]
The elements of statistical learning : data mining, inference, and prediction Hastie, T.
Tibshirani, Robert.
Friedman, Jerome.
006.31 Hastie, 2001
Data mining : practical machine learning tools and techniques with Java implementations Witten, I. H.
Frank, Eibe. [This is a must for any one planning to learn/apply data mining. Associated with WEKA]
006.3 Witten, 2000
Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining Fayyad, Usama M.
006.33 Advanc, 1996
1996 [This one looks like a good book]
Came across this nice pdf by usma fayyad and co
Learning to classify text using support vector machines: methods, theory and algorithms Joachims, Thorsten
Algorithms in c,part1-4 : fundamentals data structures sorting searching Robert Sedgewick
Multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms Deb, Kalyanmoy.
519.3 Deb, 2001
Machine learning Mitchell, Tom M.
NATURAL LAnguage processing
Algorithms in c,part1-4 : fundamentals data structures sorting searching Robert Sedgewick
Multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms Deb, Kalyanmoy.
519.3 Deb, 2001
Machine learning Mitchell, Tom M.
NATURAL LAnguage processing
Foundation of Statistical Natural Language Processing Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich Schutze
2002 [This one looks like a good one]
The companion site for this book : http://nlp.stanford.edu/fsnlp/
Moreover this book is being used in the following Universities:
UPenn CIS530, UPenn CIS639, Berkeley SIMS 296a-4, Johns Hopkins: current (Eisner) and previous [lots of great slides by Jan Hajic!], Brown CS241, CMU 11-682, CMU 11-761, Stanford CS224N, Oregon Graduate Institute CSE580, Ohio State, U Chicago, Purdue [lots of slides], Tufts, Minnesota 1, Minnesota 2, SUNY Albany, San Diego SU, Mississippi State, UCLA.
Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing,Computational linguistics, and Speech Recognition Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin
410.28 DAN
Books That I zeroed in on:
First Half:
4. Artificial Intelligence [Genetic Algorithms, ANN and optimisation methods]
Second Half:
1. Innovation on Demand: new product development using TRIZ Fey, Victor.Rivin, Eugene I.
2. Data mining : practical machine learning tools and techniques with Java implementations Witten, I. H.Frank, Eibe.
3. Foundation of Statistical Natural Language Processing Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich Schutze
5. [Design Patterns]
6. [Web entrepreneurship]
[update Jan 7]
I would be quite busy for the first half of this year.. GRE/EEDP.. hence, I would be stressing more on knowledge acquisition in the second half.
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